Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Septiembre-abril
Communicative and narrative strategies of the Formula 1 teams in the digital environment
March 18, 2023
Since it’s emergence, social media has become increasingly important in the communication strategies of Formula 1 teams. This has led to a boom in online communication and the consumption of information in digital media. In addition, it has led teams to exponentially increase their online presence and develop strategies to build brand loyalty among the audience and achieve a presence in the digital environment.
The main objective of this study is to analyse the use of storytelling and storydoing in their different social networks, and how Formula 1 teams integrate social networks into their communication strategies.
For the research of this work, a quantitative methodology has been applied through a content analysis of the corporate social networks: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and corporate website.
The results of the research allow us to conclude that the Formula 1 teams have managed to integrate social networks into their communication strategies, aligning the published content with the communication strategy, while using storytelling to increase their brand reputation.
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