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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): "Influence of events in brand building"

Analysis of Elizabeth Arden's Brand Positioning Through Its Social Media

  • Marta Herrero López
March 12, 2024


Brand positioning is a pillar when it comes to creating a successful brand. In recent years, social
networks have become increasingly important when designing and establishing brand
positioning. The rise of social media and its ever-increasing number of users, as well as the
versatility offered by the different platforms, makes it a very useful tool when it comes to
communicating brand positioning effectively. This is of vital importance as proper brand
positioning helps to differentiate from the competition, establish emotional connections with
the target audience and affect purchasing decisions. It is even more so within the luxury
cosmetics sector because of its difficulty in successfully communicating the aspirational nature
that characterises it. This paper aims to identify the brand positioning established by the
company Elizabeth Arden in its social networks and to establish which aspects should be
highlighted and taken into consideration in order to contribute to the success of the business.
This analysis will allow other luxury cosmetic firms to more easily identify the aspects that
determine an effective brand positioning and the attributes that the target audience most
values when interacting with this type of brands on social networks.


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