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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Septiembre-abril

Brand management in the footwear sector through events

  • Marta Ferrer Sancho
March 20, 2023


The communication sector increasingly calls for evolution and innovation to which both professionals and communication strategies must adapt. In recent years, corporate events have become one of the communication and marketing tools most used by firms. For its part, the world of footwear has become a participant in these techniques. Using events in their communication for reputation and brand positioning.

The analysis of this research has been carried out through the creation of a unique model designed from the contributions of different experts in brand management through events. The study of the work focuses on a list of national footwear companies chosen from the information obtained by professional groups. These, are the Federation of Spanish Footwear Industries (FICE) and the different associations of the sector. After filtering the different brands obtained, 25 national footwear firms are analyzed.

The results of the research show that brands opt for events that fulfill the comercial function but also provide a unique experience. Generally, they are actions linked to their corporate philosophy, with big interaction and branding presence. They also highlight live events, influencers, and target audience as the key audience and social media campaigns as pre-event communication. Thats why events in the footwear sector can offer endless possibilities. In fact, it is a corporate option to be explored.


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